Saturday, 25 May 2013

You like dags?

Phew! I've been super busy recently which for some reason meant I started loads of projects without finishing the previous one. This means I have a folder of unfinished art, all begging for attention. Slowly, but surely, the folder will be emptied! This one had been sat in that folder collecting digital dust for some time, I thought it was about time it saw some attention.

Some time ago I bought a Praxinascope and had been meaning to make my own animations for it. One of the reasons I have less time these days is because of this asshole so I thought it pertinent for her to be my subject.
Where's the challenge you ask? Why bother repeating an exercise from the first year of uni? Well, I couldn't find any reference on dog runs with 10 frames (the amount in the praxinoscope), and I really didnt want to adapt a reference of a 6 frame run to a 10 and just add more tweens, because there's no logical place to add them, without favouring an abitary pose. An dog run has no real keys, they're ALL keys cos everything happens at different times. So, I made my own 10 frame cycle. I hope you like it, I'll add footage of it in the praxinoscope as soon as I can get a printout of it to stick in there. Hi-res but slower version here